Publications liées au projet
F. Badra, M.-J. Lesot, E. Marquer, and M. Couceiro, Some Perspectives on Similarity Learning for Case-Based Reasoning and Analogical Transfer, IARML@IJCAI'2023: Workshop on the Interactions between Analogical Reasoning and Machine Learning, at IJCAI'2023,August, 2023, Macao, China
E. Marquer, F. Badra, M.-J. Lesot, M. Couceiro, and David Leake, Less is Better: An Energy-Based Approach to Case Base Competence, ICCBR ATA'23: Workshop on Analogies: From Theory to Applications – AR & CBR Tools for Metric and Representation Learning at ICCBR2023, July 17 – 20, 2023, Aberdeen, Scotland
C. Tijus, The fuzzy processing of metaphors , in Inf. Proc. and Manag. of Uncert. in Knowl.-Based. Syst., p. 250-257, 2020.
C. Tijus, Analogy, in Fuzzy Appr. for Soft Comp. and Approx. Reas., p. 61-73, 2021.
C. I. Truck & W. Schmid, A New Proposal to Represent the Linguistic Conditional Preference Networks, in 10th Int. Conf. on Intell. Syst. and Knowl. Engin. (ISKE), p. 514-520, 2015.
C. G. Ventalon, G. Erjavec & C. Tijus. A review of processing and analysing visual metaphors in psychology. European Review of Applied Psychology, 73(4), 100836, 2023.